Enrique Barrera Interview

Enrique Barrera is a resident of San Narciso, Belize, and is a retired district school supervisor. These five interview sessions are in English.

The interviews were conducted by David Rankin. The video camera was damaged in transit to Belize in 2007 and sessions 4 and 5 do not exhibit correct color.

Date Session Length Transcripts (PDFs)
7 Feb 2006 Session 1 (TMTB-BZCO757) 60:36 Minutes Not Available
7 Feb 2006 Session 2 (TMTB-BZCO954) 56:06 Minutes Not Available
7 Feb 2006 Session 3 (TMTB-BZCO383) 41:03 Minutes Not Available
22 May 2007 Session 4 (TMTB-BZCO754) 61:47 Minutes Not Available
22 May 2007 Session 5 (TMTB-BZCO685) 42:57 Minutes Not Available





Unique code numbers have been assigned to each interview session. That number appears after the session number and is used for the transcript file name. Click on the session number to hear the interview that is available in video format or audio only format.

Written transcripts are in PDF format and require Accrobat Reader software to view the file.

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